June 2022 - Post Congress Round Up
European Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
Updates for publications, events and courses from EFSUMB and its Member Societies
33rd EUROSON Congress in Timisoara, together with 18th WFUMB Congress, 25th National Conference of Romanian Society of Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology and 1st WFUMB-EFSUMB Students Ultrasound Congress, May 25 – 28, 2002
A short review of our personal highlights

Alina Popescu & Christian Jenssen


Rarely has a congress been held under such unfavorable omens  as the 33rd EUROSON in Timisoara together with the 18th WFUMB Congress, the 25th National Ultrasound Conference of the Romanian Ultrasound Society and the first WFUMB & EFSUMB Student Ultrasound Congress (STUC): no one knew for sure whether the Covid wave would actually subside in time. No one knew how many colleagues would make the journey to Romaniaa, neighboring Ukraine, where Russian troops are waging a war of extermination against the Ukraine nation. However, the admirable and unflinching optimism of the Romanian hosts, the diverse program with prominent and great speakers from all over the world was convincing: more than 1000 participants from 49 countries came to Timisoara, greeted by early summer weather, carried away by the great joy of seeing each other again and enjoying a "real" congress with personal encounters, and overwhelmed by the incredible hospitality of our Romanian friends. The numbers speak for themselves: this congress was highly successful and we were very happy to be co-presidents of this event together with Cristina Chammas (WFUMB) and Ioan Sporea (Romania). 



Of course, one can never experience the whole congress, which took place in 8 lecture halls in the Timisoara Convention Center near the grandiose Opera House and in another two halls in the Regional Business Center (STUC). Nevertheless, we would like to share our personal highlights with you.



Oral original Research Presentations, May 26:

This was a real science marathon with 11 presentations in 2 hours. Almost all presenters were young: young physicians and researchers and medical students from 5 countries, most of them from Romania. The variety of topics was impressive, ranging from basic research (imaging with shear waves, generated by laser induced cavitation bubbles) to experimental clinical research (3D ultrasound ex vivo imaging of surgical specimens as a potential substitute for frozen sections; multiparametric ultrasound of liver parenchyma, thyroid gland and kidney transplants) to artificial intelligence for differentiation of benign and malignant renal tumors. Equally pleasing was the partly outstanding scientific quality of the contributions. Particularly stimulating was the lively discussion among the young researchers, which also took place at a high level. It was not easy for the jury to decide on the prize winners.


Ten Ukrainian Ultrasound Experts in Timisoara!
It was a special pleasure that ten Ukrainian EFSUMB members accepted the invitation to attend the congress. Some of them had to travel under very difficult conditions, such as Professor Oleg Dynnyk from Kyiv, who was one of the invited speakers. Iryna Bekalo had also come, from France, where she had fled with her family from Odessa. The EFSUMB awarded her the honorary fellowship, honoring not only Iryna's contribution to the development of ultrasound in Ukraine and her support of Ukrainian EFSUMB members who fled the war, but at the same time bowing to all Romanian colleagues who, sometimes at the risk of their lives, continue to care for their patients or, as refugees from abroad, support their fellow citizens and colleagues who remained in their homeland. 


Special Lectures Session, EUROSON Congress, May 26:
Four ultrasound experts were honored with special lectures: for the first time a Turkish colleague, Professor Süha Süreyya Özbek from Izmir, held the EUROSON Lecture. For the first time two EUROSON lectures were presented in one year. And for the first time in EFSUMBs history an EUROSON lecture was held by a woman: Professor Maija Radzina from Latvia. The 17th DEGUM Lecture was delivered by a gynecologist: Professor Constantin von Kaisenberg from Hannover spoke about the DEGUM experience with the establishment and quality improvement of ultrasound guidelines, a topic that is also of great concern to us in the EFSUMB. My special favorite was the last special lecture, the Hans Henrik Holm lecture on Lung Ultrasound was given by Professor Christian Borbjerg Laursen in the presence of the first Hans Henrik Holm Laureate Christian Nolsoe (both Denmark). From all lecturers one could learn how to give didactically outstanding lectures in individually very different ways: with impressive aplomb, clear systematics, convincing statements, well-designed slides, clear language, a catchy lecture style, time discipline, and of course with great pictures. 


The Opening Ceremony at the Opera House, May 26:
This was an evening of goosebump moments: the splendor of the freshly reconstructed architecture of the 1871 - 1875 neo-Renaissance style theater alone impressed the participants, who were greeted by saluting guardsmen in historical uniforms in front of the 1934 - 1936 neo-Byzantine style main portal. The whole evening radiated the joy of the Romanian hosts to welcome and literally embrace the European and worldwide ultrasound family in their country, in the city of flowers and cultural and national diversity, in Timisoara. A particularly emotional highlight was the awarding of Honorary Lifetime Membership to Professor Hassen Gharbi, Tunisia, by WFUMB President Professor Cristina Chammas. For me, it was a special honor to be presented with the EFSUMB Presidential Medal by Past President Professor Adrian Saftoiu (Romania). And finally, we were privileged to attend one of the rare performances of Ludwig van Beethoven's only ballet "The Creatures of Prometheus". That evening we all felt the overwhelming hospitality of our Romanian friends in a special way. 


Presentations the WFUMB/Euroson 2022 Congress are now being released on Ultrasound Connections - Join free here to view >>

"Sononauts on Tour" - MHB visits Timișoara (Romania) at the World Ultrasound Congress 

Gregor Barth



The Ultrasound tutors (Sononauts) of the Brandenburg Institute for Clinical Ultrasound (BICUS) at the Medical University Brandenburg (MHB, Neuruppin, Germany) visited the Romanian city Timișoara from May 25-28 for the joint Ultrasound Congress of WFUMB and EFSUMB. Our small group of 8 medical students managed the 1255 km from Neuruppin to Timisoara with a minibus that we drove ourselves - an exhausting but cheerful journey with minor problems at the borders (e.g. an expired identity card) and on arrival (a huge thunderstorm greeted our small group in Timisoara).



At the parallel "STUC" (Students Ultrasound Congress) the MHB students were widely represented in the congress program. Besides Prof. Nürnberg, Nils Daum, student from the 9th semester, was also involved in the organization of the student program.

Four MHB students presented their scientific work at the congress in oral presentations, including topics on curricular ultrasound training, a planned registry project on interventional ultrasound, and the use of ultrasound by non-physician medical professionals. A prize was awarded to Constantin Remus' congress contribution on artificial intelligence in handheld sonography. Another three contributions were presented as electronic posters. The students were also involved in hands-on training as tutors and practiced moderating congress contributions while chairing various lecture sessions. Prof. Jenssen, one of the congress presidents (EFSUMB), supported with personal contribution and was very proud of the MHB students.



"The exchange with ultrasound tutors from all over the world in Romania was rewarding. We received a very warm welcome and were able to get to know a lot of the city and culture in addition to the professional exchange. There will certainly be further projects together with the ultrasound enthusiasts there in the future" sums up Gregor Barth, ultrasound tutor from the 11th semester. The hospitality was impressive. The contacts are to be continued.

With plenty of ideas in the luggage, it was an eventful and extremely interesting trip for all.


EFSUMB working with ISUOG


We are pleased to be working with ISUOG to offer our members a 10% discount on virtual registration fees for their World Congress on 16-18 September. The leading scientific event in Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology, ISUOG World Congress offers you the opportunity to engage with the latest scientific research and clinical best practice in ultrasound.  Find out more about the scientific program which includes plenary lectures, masterclasses, workshops and scan demonstrations.  The discount is valid until 18 July, (please contact webadministrator@efsumb.org for the code) and find out more at www.isuog.org/worldcongress  

EFSUMB Guidelines for 2022
EFSUMB Guidelines are at the top of our list for more development in 2022.
Bob Jarman and his team are about to publish the EFSUMB Clinical Practice Guidelines for Point of Care Ultrasound: Part 1 (common heart and pulmonary applications) any day now. TH Professional Standard gudielines are also due for release imminently. We will announce both once they are available.

All guidelines and position papers will be available from our website https://efsumb.org/guidelines-recommendations-english-versions/
EFSUMB's new Guidelines App is also due for release in the next 2-3 weeks.  The App will be free to use and will enable  uses to find all the latest guidelines in one place.
EFSUMB WEBINAR: CEUS 4 is scheduled for 7 December 2022,  11.00 CET.
Regsitration and finalised speakers will be available soon.
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